Your life has cycles, so do the economy and financial markets. When it comes to the psychology of a market cycle, emotions tend to get in the way. We often buy or sell at the wrong time, buying exuberantly at market highs and panic selling at market lows. Successful investors do the opposite. This guide will teach you the ten stages of a market cycle so you can be more thoughtful about managing your .
The Psychology of a Market Cycle – 10 Stages

Market Cycle Psychology Stage 1: Hope
After a “Serious Disbelief” stage, “Hope is the first sign of market recovery. In this stage, the market is showing positive signs for a potential bull run. However, new investors are still careful but hopeful. Investors are investing small amounts of cash at this stage.
Market Cycle Psychology Stage 2: Optimism
The second stage is “Optimism.” This is where prices really start to rise as new cash is continuously being invested. The “Optimism” stage is reached once the market has been in an uptrend for months. Here, the market has a positive sentiment, and many investors are comfortable investing at this stage. More money is being invested than in the “Hope” stage.
Market Cycle Psychology Stage 3: Belief
Over time, optimism turns into true “Belief.” The first signs of a bull market occur during the “Belief” stage. Investors continue to invest cash, and new investors start to enter the market.
Market Cycle Psychology Stage 4: Thrill
In the “Thrill” stage, it is essential to keep track of your excitement level. During this stage, the market is trending upwards; people also start to invest in random projects, thinking the market will continue in an uptrend.
Market Cycle Psychology Stage 5: Euphoria
The crypto market is currently in Stage 5, Euphoria, according to the Market Cycle Psychology model.
In this stage, strong crypto market performance leads to a collective delusion that growth will continue indefinitely and that prices cannot fall. Disciplined sell strategies are abandoned, and bad news about companies or cryptocurrencies is ignored. Investors are willing to pay any price for crypto.
According to the model, euphoria is characterized by five key features:
1. A rising market is driven by strong economic fundamentals
2. Extreme optimism and herd behavior among investors
3. Rising use of leverage by investors to buy more shares on margin
4. A surge in ICOs
5. Excessive valuations
Market Cycle Psychology Stage 6: Complacency
The bull run is starting to stagnate at this stage and the first signs of a market reversing start to pop up. Typically, people think the complacency stage is a short break before the bull run continues. However, many investors are not prepared for the upcoming market reversal.
Market Cycle Psychology Stage 7: Anxiety
In the seventh stage of the market cycle, the last thing on an investor’s mind is the possibility of making money. In fact, the last thing on an investor’s mind is the market. Instead, investors are trying to figure out how to get their money out of the market before they lose it all. They realize the bull market can’t go on forever and are focused on finding a safe haven where their money can’t get hurt.
Markets aren’t necessarily done falling at this point. In fact, most bear markets haven’t bottomed until prices have fallen somewhere between 20 percent and 50 percent from their previous peak. However, at this point in a typical bear market, there aren’t many downsides left because few people are willing to buy anymore. This is why stocks tend to bounce off their lows within a few weeks or months of reaching them. Investors who are able to buy early in this stage will be well-positioned for the “Hope” stage.
Market Cycle Psychology Stage 8: Denial
At the Denial stage, investors act defensively, and many refuse to sell, hoping for a big correction upwards. Investors are in denial that the market will continue to drop.
However, investments will continue to drop at this phase.
Market Cycle Psychology Stage 9: Panic
In the “Panic” phase, the bear market becomes the investor’s new reality. Traders will attempt to desperately sell investments in hopes of recouping some losses, as they are scared they will lose it all. Typically this is where a major sell-off happens.
Market Cycle Psychology Stage 10: Depression
In the “Depression” stage, people lose all belief in the market. This is where the lowest point occurs in the market cycle. Stabilization happens here, and it’s a point where the market can start building up again. However, the depression stage can last a long time (also called a “crypto winter”). After this stage, the hope stage can begin again.
The Bottom Line
This guide has covered the psychology of a market cycle. Hopefully, you can see how these stages relate to the crypto markets. Instead of buying at all-time highs and selling at the market lows, it’s best to keep these market cycles in mind as you approach your trading decisions. We hope you share this with a friend who may be able to help! Happy trading!